Monday, 29 April 2013

what size are you?

yup, this really happened.

my supportive friend

I really did say this to her, I thought I was being very funny.
for the first comic I did the color with red, so it'd turn out pink, for this second one I thought

my dreams

based on a dream I had

Welcome ^^

Since the ladies of r/actuallesbians liked my first short strip, I decided to make this blog for posting more comics like that one.
I've already got a blog here, but my family and acquaintances read that one.. I'd feel awkward posting about my dreams if my grandma's gonna read it. ;p
(if you already know my other work, you're gonna know it's me anyways, but I do hope not too much people who I know irl will know of this blog)

I hope you enjoy!